With Paladin Karate,
face the danger...

Micah 6:8 Seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly
Contact us today to start training!
paladinkarate@gmail.com or 813-997-7292
Group classes
Paladin is offered in group classes of various kinds as well as in private one-on-one or small group settings. It is presented as a traditional belt-ranked system but can also be taught as simple straight-up self-defense or in combination with personal fitness training such as cardio kickboxing or crossfit.

Karate classes
Paladin is often called 'karate' because any more most people know what that means: fighting with the hands and feet. This is an all-inclusive, all age-group, all ranks together setting with boys and girls, men and women, white thru black belt mixture involving training in forms or kata, one-step sparrings, free sparring, bag-work, board-breaking, rolls and falls, throws and take-downs, escapes and evasions, weapons disarms, improvised weapons, and role-playing self-defense scenarios for spontaneous training.

Street self-defense
Paladin also teaches real-life street self-defense from Mr. Touchton's 30 years of training and 25 years experience as a street cop, always under the aegis of "the best fight is the simplest," a corollary of Occam's Razor. Although, for example, high kicks are practiced and strived for, the best kicks for real defense are at the waist or below. A marksman who can hit the bullseye from 50 yards is really good at the normal range of a street gun fight, which is within 6-10 feet. Real fights or defensive scenarios are messy and ugly, however, and our training tries to put the stress in the menu to prepare to practictioner for the real thing. Come and see what we mean. Good for corporate (business or civic/community group) training.

Personal fitness
Skill is way more important than size or strength for self-defense, but size and strength still matter! Being in shape certainly doesn't hurt, and Paladin can enhance muscles, flexibility, balance, leanness, cadriovascular health, and speed, along with developing 'muscle memory' that aids so much in self-defense. Some PT is involved in normal Paladin classes, but solo or group classes are available that can focus on fitness and health while still incorporating certain aspects of martial arts, thus making the training more efficient and practical. Come get into shape with us!

Law enforcement & military
There is special training for police and military and related fields, dealing with gun retention and disarms and disarms of various other weapons and how to manage such violent encounters, as well as control and handcuffing techniques for resisting suspects. Techniques are also taught concerning the types of messy and sometimes knock-down, drag out fights or grappling matches cops and soldiers can often find themselves in; many jujitsu techniques are taught in this focus.